Gw2 Converters

Download the latest version of GW2 TacO. Extract TacO from the archive somewhere - I recommend Guild Wars 2 folder. Download ALL-IN-ONE markers pack from my website. Move downloaded twALLINONE.taco file into the POIs folder inside GW2TacO folder (do not unpack it!). Override if asked. Whether you log in through Steam or the Guild Wars 2 launcher, everyone plays together, although there's no way to convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account into a Steam account and vice versa. Karma: The fastest method to convert your Karma to Gold is to buy Orrian Jewelery Boxes from Karma merchants in Orr. Note that this method took a hefty hit in profits when Karma consumables were nerfed and the prices of lodestones fell.

Karmic Converter

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

Double-click to trade karma for something useful.
Can only buy one item per day.

— In-game description

The Karmic Converter is an item that allows you to trade karma for one of three items per day. Upon use, a vendor window opens which allows you to buy an item. After buying one, the list clears until the next day. The available items change every day.

  • 2Purchasable items


Rare Collections10
Unlock these 34 exotic weapon skins from champion bags in your wardrobe.
Title: Exotic Hunter
Reward:Karmic Converter
Unlocked 1 Champion Weapon Skin2
Unlocked 17 Champion Weapon Skins3
Unlocked 34 Champion Weapon Skins5

Purchasable items[edit]

Today's items[edit]

Item 1Item 2Item 3
Bag of ObsidianRune Bag (Masterwork)Box of WvW Supplies

Possible items[edit]

Every day, one item from each of the following tables is available.

Bag of ObsidianContainerFine4,998
Medium Bag of ObsidianContainerMasterwork4,998
Large Bag of ObsidianContainerRare4,998
Gw2 bloodstone dust eater

Rune BagContainerMasterwork4,998
Rune BagContainerRare4,998
Sigil BagContainerMasterwork4,998
Sigil BagContainerRare4,998
Bag of Masterwork GearContainerMasterwork4,998
Bag of Rare GearContainerRare4,998

Tiny Karmic Crafting BagContainerFine4,998
Small Karmic Crafting BagContainerFine4,998
Light Karmic Crafting BagContainerFine4,998
Medium Karmic Crafting BagContainerFine4,998
Large Karmic Crafting BagContainerFine4,998
Heavy Karmic Crafting BagContainerFine4,998
Bag of Dragonite OreContainerAscended4,998
Bag of Empyreal FragmentsContainerAscended4,998
Bag of Bloodstone DustContainerAscended4,998
Trophy BagContainerFine4,998
Trophy BagContainerMasterwork4,998
Trophy BagContainerRare4,998
Bag of ScrapContainerExotic4,998
Bag of Educational SuppliesContainerExotic4,998
Box of WvW SuppliesContainerExotic4,998
Bag of JewelsContainerBasic4,998

Gw2 Best Converters

See also[edit]

Ascended Crafting MaterialsHertaMawdrey IIPrincessStar of Gratitude
Gleam of SentienceSentient AberrationSentient AnomalySentient Oddity
Other Crafting MaterialsCandy Corn GobblerSnowflake GobblerMemory GobblerShards of Glory ConverterZhaitaffy Gobbler
CurrenciesFractal ReliquaryKarmic ConverterLey-Energy Matter Converter
Tarrktun Personal Delivery PortalCollector's Edition Sandstorm
Sentient SingularityVolatile Singularity

Gw2 Converter Worth Using

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